
Emergency Medicine is a New Academic Discipline for India. It was formally recognized by the Medical Council of India in 2009.


Physicians go through a lifelong process of perfecting their learned practices. They learn these practices at their medical colleges. It is the medical colleges which award them their credentials. The birth place of any medical expert's expertise is the training institution hence if any new science has to be developed and taught the ideal sites are none other than medical colleges across India. The role of MCI recognized Medical Colleges and Academic Institutions is Crucial to develop the academic fraternity in Emergency Medicine which by itself is a new academic science to India.

With the recognition of Emergency Medicine as an independent specialty the doors have opened for medical colleges to pursue initiatives to create free standing academic departments of Emergency Medicine which can house post graduate residency training programs in Emergency Medicine.

Emergency Cardiology is a super specialty field of Emergency Medicine. Across the world as a Discipline Emergency Cardiology specialty is open to accept post graduates qualified in Emergency Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Internal Medicine, Anesthesia, or Family Medicine.

To facilitate the process of developing the science of emergency medicine in India "The Academic College of Emergency Experts in India" (ACEE-INDIA) was founded in 2011.

A New Certification pathway is introduced which is called the Fellowship of the Academic College of Emergency Experts in India through Emergency Cardiology pathway.

Disclaimer:Fellowship does not make you a cardiologist nor is it a degree. It is a pathway to Academic College of Emergency Experts in India and a mark of quality which drives you to be competent in creating a chest pain center, a cardiac chest pain unit and managing complicated cardiac emergencies in the Emergency Department Only.

The Academic College of Emergency Experts and The Medical Council of India are very supportive of the new upcoming field of Emergency Medicine and it is now the right time to foster the growth of the super specialty of Emergency Cardiology. MCI/DNB Recognized Faculty/ Practitioners from Emergency Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Internal Medicine, Anesthesia, or Family Medicine are eligible to be teachers and Practitioners in Emergency Cardiology and hence can take this Fellowship. All FACEE holding Physicians are also eligible to pursue the Emergency Cardiology pathway.

The Competency Based Fellowship of the College is the Single Distinct Process and the Only Process by which a Candidate can be a part of the College. The Academic College of Emergency Experts recognizes and hereby states that in India there are only two Recognized Post Graduate Degree Programs for Emergency Medicine.

The Two Programs are: MCI Recognized MD and NBE Recognized DNB in Emergency Medicine. The College and its Fellows Stand by the Accrediting Bodies of National Importance namely MCI and NBE. The College commits to the development and progress of Quality Emergency Care for Patients. 

Emergency Cardiology Director
Dr.Vivek Chauhan MD
FACEE,Assistant Professor Medicine
IGMC Shimla, Himachal Pradesh,
India 171001
Emergency Cardiology Mentor
Dr. P.B. Jaigopal
MD DM Cardiology

FACEE Testimonials